> A simple statement for this Mosaic

Chorégraphie : Dan Wild, conçu en collaboration avec Marie-Josée Chartier
Danseuse : Marie-Josée Chartier

Cela procurait un sentiment d'intimité, d'être avec quelqu'un d'une grande solitude.


Articles de presse :

Kaija Pepper, The Dance Current, Summer 2009

And now, back at the Firehall, I’m going to indulge myself with three highlights from the final mixed bills, Edges Two and Three. First, Marie-Josée Chartier in Dan Wild’s “A Simple Statement for this Mosaic”. This is a duet for the two of them, but it’s really her piece: his opening monologue, delivered seated, about “no going back” and how “living can cause death” is background for her solo, which follows. In a sleek dark dress with sparkling earrings, the elegant Chartier glides tensely around the stage, both pursued and pursuing. Her movements are simple, restless: arms pass through fifth, then throw and catch and open wide. Once she’s on the ground, Chartier holds her hands up in front of her face, as if she’s looking into a mirror that reflects a whole life.












Chartier Danse souhaite remercier les conseils des arts suivants pour leur soutien financier par l'intermédiaire de bourse de projets et de production.